Growing digital skills  in government

Opencast's new report sets out ways to help government grow digital skills at scale – with practical advice on successful knowledge transfer to in-house teams.


Bridging the gap

The civil service digital skills gap is a major challenge and a key priority for the UK government. It is also a major pressure point for senior civil servants tasked with delivering the new digital public services that ministers want and that citizens need.

In bridging the digital skills gap, there is a major opportunity for government to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of civil servants - and to deliver social impact by creating better digital public services for citizens.

Bridging the gap explores the scale and nature of the skills challenge facing government, and the new skills demands that advances in technology creates. The report offers practical advice on what more can be done, particularly in transferring knowledge to in-house teams – with case study examples of where knowledge transfer has been delivered successfully. It also shares Opencast’s own experiences of promoting career moves into tech and building a progressive workplace culture.

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